Turning 23 on 23

By Marj - January 04, 2018

Blowing out the candles on my 23rd birthday cake (actually I've gotten more than 23 birthday cakes thanks to multiple celebrations for the same occasion the past years) on 23rd December didn't change a thing. 

However, when the flames went out, there is indeed something more apparent than ever in front of my eyes, the people in my life. 

As my birthday falls so close to the last day of the year, I can also save myself some trouble of doing a double self-reflection for my deeds (or maybe misdeeds) in the past year. 

The past 12 months has been tremendously fulfilling. 
It's the first time in my life that I feel so eager to shout "Thank you for being such a great year!" as another 365 days finally fleet by. 

Though I haven't made much accomplishments, I can see how I've progressed in character and thoughts. 
Allow me to further elaborate with photos and a clear timeline. 


Attended our first wedding as a couple!

BreatheSOM's unpaid models and second launch

8th monthsary at ArtScience museum

Sandra and I started BreatheSOM out of interest and it is an outlet for us to employ our creativity which we can't/ have very little control over at work. We lasted a few months more but nope, BreatheSOM is not active for now.


CNY meal with team LB

CNY Day 1

Probably thinking of how to retract the question he asked on 23rd May 2016

First CNY with this bunch, more to come!

Long overdue meetup + CNY!

Still doing silly stuff~

McDonald's celebration for the February babies (Sandra and Jesamine) haha

Got to meet my little babygirl who isn't so little anymore

First Valentine's together

BreatheSOM's third launch

9th monthsary

Lots of gatherings this month thanks to birthdays as well as CNY, which was undeniably a good opportunity to meet everyone! CNYs no longer feel as festive as it did when I was a kid but gatherings during this occasion should never be skipped!



Bugek Nanik's visit to SG + Virgin visit to Gordon Ramsay's restaurant


Wiratha's birthday!

 Phyllis' last day ):

Back at USS for the fourth time but with a different group and it's still a new experience whenever I go to USS. I'm afraid of rollercoasters (or anything that sends me on an adrenaline rush) and it was just great that I had Josh for company while Wiratha gets to go on all his exciting rides without having to worry that I'm forcing myself to do something I don't like or that I will get bored.

We also got to celebrate his birthday (reminds me of our interesting backstory) and that checks off another on our list of firsts as a couple. It wasn't anything too fancy on the actual day but it was a happy day!

Just a day later marks Phyllis' last day. It was sad to see Phyllis go but each of us in the team knew that this was only for her better future. (';


Denise's birthday!

Catchup + BreatheSOM's fourth launch

Mum's birthday

Aftermath of a job interview

11th monthsary at Naughty Nurris

One of those nights

April was me pushing myself to get out of comfort zone. LB has been my hideout for 2 years and I should be looking for more growth in my job. I've been delaying my search for a new job for the longest time and it is time for me to accept that I have to move out of LB. I was most reluctant to leave behind the people I've befriended in LB and I was worried I wouldn't fit in elsewhere. Snapping out of such thoughts wasn't easy but thanks to the support of my friends and my team leader, they made me realise that our friendship will remain intact as long as we try.


Hahahah evidence that work was literally piling

Kaydi's birthday!

Mother's Day 


Since 2014 (except Wiratha)

Soju bomb kinda night

At Jiahui's birthday party


Wonder Woman's premiere with team LB

Last day of the month, last day in LB

May was MASSIVE.  Happy stuff first, 23rd May marks our first anniversary! We've been counting down to this day because it felt like we've been together for a decade when it's only been a year. I've never met a man like Wiratha, who's always radiating positive energy and ever so patient and gentle towards me. It has been a fun-filled year together and I'm only looking forward to accomplishing so much more together.
Also, I got to celebrate Kaydi's and Manx's birthday for the second time! They've accompanied me through so much difficult times together since they've gotten in to LB and I'm just so glad to have friends like them in my life!

And just right at the last day of the month, it's also my last day in LB (I had this planned out haha).
I remember the day I received the call from my new company to inform me that I got accepted. I ran to Rid's and started crying. He obviously couldn't understand why I was crying when I should be happy but it struck me over and over again that I'm finally leaving this huge part of me behind. The place I called home for the past 2 years, most of the people I look forward to seeing each morning. The friends I have made, the things we have achieved together and all the fun memories. But well, to more self-progression next!


Lunch breaks made a little more special

Ele's birthday!

Ah, finally made up to Ele by celebrating her birthday with her on her actual day! Actually, more like thank you for spending your birthday with me hehe. I forgot to wish Ele on her birthday in 2016 while she was allll the way in Japan. Jolly's birthday falls on the last day of June too so we had a simple dinner to celebrate. Also started on my new job this month and went to GD's concert with Jolly and Ele!! 
Thinking back, I think I used their birthdays as an excuse to go to GD's concert with me.


First ear piercing in 23 years of my life 

BreatheSOM's first flea

14th monthsary

Back to ganma's for dinner and to watch this birdy sleep

Picked up the courage to pierce both my ears after countless of empty promises to my girls that I will do it after a certain exam back when we were still under 20. Stopped making those promises when I realised that I'm not gonna do it anytime soon till I grew up and become vain and decided that earrings will make me look prettier haha.

BreatheSOM's first flea was also unexpectedly fun towards the end but it also meant that we were winding up. Sandra and I haven't talked about BreatheSOM in a long while now but when an opportunity presents, we certainly hope to bring it back!

Our 14th monthsary and the fact that I'm about to receive my second pay check from my new company also constituted as good reasons to enjoy a good meal we wouldn't usually think about.

Headed back to ganma's for dinner too and dinners there have to end with watching my favourite birdy sleep in my hands.


Loof with Ele, Kaydi and Chewps


Overeasy for Huisi's birthday!

Grandma's birthday!

Pei Qi's birthday!

A few birthdays this month and of those who are important to me.
Meeting Adilah this month was of so much joy too because we haven't seen each other in such a long time though we still text on and off. This sweet girl even got me a bag and cookies (knowing how food ticks me) and as always, she's patiently listening to me ramble on about my long-ass stories and encouraging me to pursue whatever I have in mind. Can't wait for our next date already!!

This was also the month (if my memory serves me well) that Mei Xian planted the thought of returning to school in my head. Though such thoughts had come to mind before Mei Xian brought it up, I usually just dismissed it as a preposterous idea. However,  having to scroll further down the drop-down list to select my birth year has made me grew weaker to this idea I deemed ridiculous. It wasn't after Mei Xian shared why she wants to get a degree even though she holds a stable job. I had to agree with her and I recognised the difficulties and undesirable aspects in my negligible career path. I want my career to be a BANG. I want to be doing something I enjoy instead of reporting to work every single day like a frumpy old lady who gets her work done so that she can pay her bills. On such notions of wanting to lead a fulfilling life, I started to do my research.




Dinner with cece

Lol insisted to take a photo with "GD" when I was half-drunk

Duffel from Wiratha

 Badly swollen eye

LB girls, only 2 left who are still LB girls

16th monthsary


When I could no longer give a damn about dressing up for work 

September was considerably quiet though Wira and I did spend our first Saturday of the month slightly differently! Knowing how much I love dogs and golden retrievers at that, he attempted to surprise me with his friend's goldie! You probably would have noticed the word "attempted" which means he didn't succeed with the surprise but that only has yours truly's desire for new experiences to blame. 

Bella's the first goldie I've ever spent so much time with (usually it's just some casual pets for the ones I see on their walks) and only then did I realised how heavy a goldie can get! Bella's already considered to be smaller than average and I struggled trying to carry her. Still, she's so obedient and it was so much fun hanging out with her. I need to see this big girl again too!!

Wiratha bought me a gym bag, met the LB girls and also had a little catch-up session with Ele. Went to SIM's open house with Wiratha too to find out more about the options I have for my education...... yadah yadah yadah.


Biscuit's birthday!


 Ugh messy room

Rare weekday visit to Grandma's!


Another soju bomb kinda night

VANS from Wiratha

TENDERED MY RESIGNATION! For the second time this year haha. Also finally decided to take on Kaplan-Murdoch's double major in Tourism and Events and Web Communications.
Need to hustle for money to pay for my school!

A 2 weeks' break also gave me time to spend time with some of the people I love so dear. (';


Lunch with my ganma!

Buffet date

Dinner with KK...... who's not in this photo lol

Jolly came over to Tampines

Some days I just wanna be an egg?

Before Kaydi leaves for UK

Work that doesn't exactly feels like work

Dad's birthday!

So in love with Star Wars

Hello, old photos of JJ Lin and Jay Chou

Mmhmm, part of my childhood

Selecting new furniture for my room

QZ birthday!

Back in school after 3+ years

Throwback for Fel's birthday!


Had a lot of firsts this month. First time choosing a table for my own room, first time going back to school in a long while, first attempt as a marketing executive. It was also a really meaningful month because I brought my ganma to lunch and got to spend time with friends I hold close to my heart.


???th visit to IKEA

Trying to shake off some fats


Spotify explains how 2017 went for me


Dec babies of W1107

Still hiao, not sorry

Christmas dinner with MSD ppl


Sleeping in my hand again

Birthday celebration with PQ, Fel and YS!

With WM gang

With grandma

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